How we work  

If you have done some research about the real estate rental scene in Georgia, you have probably heard some horror stories: unprofessional brokers, not user-friendly real estate portals, absent or complicated lease agreements with poor or no translations, intrusive landlords, neglected needs of a tenant, language barriers, broken heating systems and days in waiting for urgent repairs, the list could go on...

Limited legal framework that regulates specifically the process of tenancy and rent, no licence required to be a real estate broker, and no systems in place that protect landlord or tenant are some of the main reasons for the chaos. We have a very limited influence on solving this problem on a larger scale. Nonetheless, we plan to voice our opinion through various channels and want to be agents of change. And meanwhile, we work hard to offer tenant-oriented and professional services ourselves, and ensure that tenants and landlords are equally happy.

How we are different

We are a property management company. We rent only properties that we own and/or manage. The property owners who we work with are mostly foreigners not residing in Georgia permanently. They have entrusted us with their valuable assets and we do our best to meet their expectations.

This also means that we care about you - our tenants, throughout the entire lease period. Our team includes professional cleaners, repairmen, handymen, guest relations managers, lawyers, and insurance agents. We address your concerns promptly and it is in our best interest to keep you happy in your new home. Our team members are fluent in multiple languages, have lived abroad, and know what it means to relocate. We help you get oriented in a new environment and often, for newcomers, we are points of contact for local tips and insights.

We will be glad to provide you property-specific references from our guests and tenants. Meanwhile, you can glance over our 950 positive reviews online. 


Trying to secure long or short term accommodation in Georgia while still abroad? We will be happy to give you a virtual tour from the flats of your choice.